About Us

We have seen and heard about the things that happen to domestic animals when they fall into the wrong hands. After seeing horror stories time and time again, we asked ourselves what can be done.
A domestic animal is abused every 10 seconds in the United States and the outcome for that animal usually relies on the after care given to them.
That is where we come in.
We are an organization of motorcycle enthusiasts who ride to raise awareness for these animals and stand up with one voice and say we will not let the fate of these animals go unheard.
We ride and hold events to raise funds for these victims of abuse and neglect.
We also promote proper pet ownership so we can help teach how to stop the abuse and neglect.
We stand together ready to help those who can’t ask for it themselves.
So no more asking yourself what you can do.
Here is your answer.
Help us help them, either by donating to the cause or joining the fight by becoming a member.
You can make a difference!
We are a group that has for over a decade been focused on our mission and our cause. We are a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, run exclusively by volunteers. Every dollar raised helps owner-less animals in need. We are proud to say we have helped hundreds of animals and will continue to do so in the years to come.
“To Say Nothing, To Do Nothing, Stops Nothing.”
Bikers Against Animal Cruelty, Inc (B.A.A.C.) is an organized group of compassionate motorcycle enthusiasts who advocate against domestic animal cruelty and neglect, promote responsible pet ownership and help to defray costs of emergency veterinary care for the voiceless and owner less victims of domestic animal cruelty and neglect.
To encourage a world where animals are treated with respect and dignity.
We do what we can to aid and advocate for animals in need with trust, integrity, honesty, respect, simplicity, and synergy.
B.A.A.C. is not a rescue group, but we work with many different rescue organizations. Through our volunteer efforts we strive to improve the lives of abused, neglected and unwanted domestic animals everywhere through financial and material support, public outreach and education. The main goals of B.A.A.C. are to bring awareness to the general public of the different types of domestic abuse and cruelty; advocate for domestic animal welfare and educate on responsible pet ownership. Through our awareness efforts, we try to significantly decrease the number of unnecessary domestic animal abuse and cruelty cases.
The primary mission of our fundraising activities is to help defray the costs of veterinary care for the most severe cases of domestic animal abuse and neglect of strays or surrendered pets on a case-by-case need.
B.A.A.C. supports those domestic animals that have no one else looking out for them. B.A.A.C. also helps with the overpopulation of these animals by our Spueter program which helps low-income households to spay or neuter their animals by paying for it.

In 2007 a group of 22 friends who all enjoyed riding motorcycles and doing tribute rides, got together after a largely publicized case of animal cruelty. They all found a common ground as to a good cause to ride for. Finding out there wasn’t another group riding for animals or with direction of helping these animals after the abuse, they had agreed and founded the organization we have today. Bikers Against Animal Cruelty.
For over a decade we have grown continuously. We have helped hundreds of animals in need and doing more every day. We strive to always do better and our past reflects that. Overcoming all challenges and obstacles we continue to keep our focus.

Coming Soon!

B.A.A.C. officially started in September 2007. It began as a grassroots effort focused on providing supplies to shelter animals and financial assistance for ownerless cruelty victims so the animals could receive lifesaving medical treatment. Many non-profit groups have limited funding, so they reach out to organizations like B.A.A.C. to help offset the potentially life saving costs of treatment. The public outrage of the 2007 Michael Vick animal cruelty case amplified the need to help spread awareness of the daily abuse inflicted on innocent pets who cannot govern their own lives or ask for help.
Since its inception, B.A.A.C. has helped dogs, cats, horses, pigs, and a goose receive urgent medical treatment for issues caused by humans. If a problem arises that is out of our scope, we will find the right avenue that will help. B.A.A.C. members are expected to adhere to their state animal cruelty laws and work with local authorities and Animal Control Officers.
The primary mission of our fundraising activities is focused on helping shelter & rescue organizations provide urgent medical care to owner-less victims of animal cruelty and neglect. We donate funds directly to the treating medical facility to ensure the funds are allocated directly to the specific victim’s bill.
Additionally, our fundraising affords us the ability to provide:
food and material support for non-profit organizations, shelters and pet food pantries
outreach and education materials to increase public awareness of animal cruelty
funding to families to help with the cost of spay/neuter surgery through our Speuter Program