We have seen and heard about the things that happen to domestic animals when they fall into the wrong hands. After seeing horror stories time and time again, we ask ourselves what can be done.
Domestic animals are abused every 10 seconds in the United States and the outcome for that animal usually relies on the after care given to them. That is where we come in.
We are an organization of motorcycle enthusiasts who ride for a cause, a cause to raise awareness for these animals and stand up with one voice and say we will not let the fate of these animals go unheard. We ride and hold events to raise funds for these victims of abuse and neglect. We also promote proper pet ownership so we can help teach how to stop the abuse and neglect.
We stand together ready to help those who can’t ask for it themselves. So no more asking yourself what you can do. Here is your answer. Help us help them, either by donating to the cause or joining the fight by becoming a member.
You can make a difference
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